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Annual Work Summary Conference 2019 and Work Responsibility Letter Signing Conference for 2020

On the evening of January 10, the Annual Work Summary Conference 2019 and the Work Responsibility Letter Signing Conference for 2020 was held in the International Conference Hall on the third floor of the Administration Building of the Company.

Event 1: Work summaries for 2019 and work plans for 2020

Heads of business units and functional departments of the Company presented summaries of work of their units or departments in 2019, made an in-depth analysis of problems that had arisen in their work in the past year, and presented work plans and rectification plans to be implemented in 2020. Data they presented outline Deye as a dynamic and promising enterprise, filling all employees with full confidence in the future of the department and determination to work hard to create a better and greater future for the enterprise and themselves. Vice President Zhang Dongye and Vice President Zhang Dongbin summarized the Company's business performance in 2019 and announced the Company's development plan and goals for 2020. The two vice presidents pointed out that there are opportunities and challenges in 2020. Quality is the first competition force and life of an enterprise. Only good quality can build a good brand image and increase brand awareness and recognition among consumers.

Event 2: Awarding Outstanding Employees

In order to promote the corporate culture, set models for all employees to follow, encourage all employees to make progress together, and demonstrate that Deye attaches great importance to every hardworking, dedicated and dedicated employee, the Company granted 100 Awards for Outstanding Employees, 9 Awards for Excellent Quality Managers and 44 Special Awards to outstanding employees selected through recommendation by individual units and evaluation by the top management. A representative of the award winners said that the honors are not only meant to recognize their work performance in the past year but also to encourage greater efforts in the future. He said that he is determined to and call on other award winners to make persistent efforts in their work and encourage their colleagues to do better. He also called on all Deye employees to make their best efforts in implementing the Company’s "358 strategic plan" and make greater contributions in the future! 

Event 3: Signing Work Responsibility Letter for 2020

A total of 34 heads of the Heat Exchanger Division, the Frequency Conversion Technology Division, the Household Electrical Appliances Division, Deye (Japan) Division, the Finance Department Management Department, the Human Resources Administration Department, the Supply Chain Management Department and the Testing Center signed the Business Objective Assessment Responsibility Letter for 2020 with the chairman and two vice president. This letter is designed to detail responsibilities and operation goals of individual business divisions, with the view of converting the goals into specific work objectives, promoting work enthusiasm of the management personnel, ensuring the successful realization of the business goals of the Company for 2020 and goals of the "358 Long-term Plan" and supporting the sustainable development of the Company.

Event 4: Key Overall Arrangements

Mr. Zhang Hejun, Chairman and President of Ningbo Deye Technology Group Co., Ltd., made an overall evaluation of the overall business situation in 2019, and made important arrangements for the implementation of the 2020 business plan! Chairman Zhang emphasized that the success depends on every efforts we make. He hopes that all employees will follow the right path, be both ambitious and practical and be motivated to work towards the goals! Chairman Zhang said that the year of 2020 will be a year of fiercer competition and a year full of opportunities. He called on all Deye members to unite as one and continue to make the greatest efforts to set new records in 2020.